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Jumat, 03 Februari 2012


Hmmmm ... Hmmmm ... Hmmmm ... Hmmm ...

When I look into your eyes
It's like watching the night sky
Or a beautiful sunrise
There's so much they hold
And just like them old stars
I see that you've come so far
To be right where you are
How old is your soul?

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up

And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find

'Cause even the stars they burn
Some even fall to the earth
We've got a lot to learn
God knows we're worth it
No, I won't give up

I don't wanna be someone who walks away so easily
I'm here to stay and make the difference that I can make
Our differences they do a lot to teach us how to use
The tools and gifts we got yeah, we got a lot at stake
And in the end, you're still my friend at least we did intend
For us to work we didn't break, we didn't burn
We had to learn how to bend without the world caving in
I had to learn what I've got, and what I'm not
And who I am

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up
Still looking up.

I won't give up on us (no I'm not giving up)
God knows I'm tough enough (I am tough, I am loved)
We've got a lot to learn (we're alive, we are loved)
God knows we're worth it (and we're worth it)

I won't give up on us
Even if the skies get rough
I'm giving you all my love
I'm still looking up



The thesis discuses some proverbs but there are some grammatical mistakes.
1.      This proverb is a compound sentence which consists of two clauses so it has two subject and predicate.
·         It should be: This proverb is a compound sentence which consists of two clauses so it has two subjects and predicates.
Ø  Word “subject and predicate” is plural so it should be added by “s”.

2.      While the TL proverb; besar berudu di kubangan, besar buaya di laautan; is a phrase that consist of two noun phrases.
·         It should be: The TL proverb: besar berudu di kubangan, besar buaya di laautan: is a phrase that consists of two noun phrases.
Ø  Word “while” should not be used in the beginning of sentence, because word “while” is conjunction of clause and not a sentence connector.
Ø  Word “consist” refers to a phrase, so it should be added by “s”.

3.      These proverbs have same illustrate that everybody love their homes or places where they live within.
·         It should be: These proverbs have same illustration that everybody loves their homes or places where they live.
Ø Word “illustrate” has function as a noun so it should be “illustration”.
Ø Word “love” should be added by “s” because it has singular subject.

4.      While it has meaning shift that the SL means janganlah menolak tawaran yang baik and the TL means the banana tree has results once in its live and dies after that.
·         It should be: It has meaning shift that is the proverb in the SL means janganlah menolak tawaran yang baik and the proverb in the TL means the banana tree bears fruit one in its life and dies after that.
Ø The phrase “has results” in the sentence means “menghasilkan” whereas the word that intended is “berbuah”, so the right word to use is “bears fruit”.
Ø  Word “while” should not be used in the beginning of sentence, because word “while” is conjunction of clause and not a sentence connector.
Ø  Word “live” has function as a noun, so it should be “life”

5.      For each meaning of the proverbs has interpretation that a second chance is never come twice and accept it do not refuse, so use it well.
·         It should be: Each meaning of the proverbs has interpretation that a second chance never comes twice, so do not refuse it.
Ø Word “for” should not be used in the beginning of sentence, because word “for” is conjunction of clause.
Ø The sentence “accept it do not refuse, so use it well” is too long. So it should be changed into “so do not refuse it”.
Ø Word “come” refers to a second chance, so it should be added by “s”

6.      In these proverbs have meaning shift but it have similar illustrate.
·         It should be: These proverbs have meaning shift but they have similar illustration.
Ø Word “in” as preposition should not be used in the beginning of sentence.
Ø Word “it” should be changed “they” because word “it” refers to “these proverbs”.
Ø Word “illustrate” has function as a noun so it should be changed into “illustration”.

7.      People who looking for luck for himself when there is a disorder or something that avoided by someone maybe done by another.
·         It should be: People who look for luck for himself when there is disorder or something that is avoided by someone maybe done by another.


-          Semantics: kajian linguistic yang mempelajari makna dari morfem, kata, frasa, dan kalimat.
-          Pragmatics: kajian linguistic yang mempelajari makna kontekstual di balik sebuah ujaran atau makna yang tercipta pada saat sebuah ujaran tersebut diujarkan.
Objek kajian:
-          Semantics: morfem, kata, frasa, kalimat
-          Pragmatics: ujaran (semua bunyi yang dihasilkan oleh alat ujar manusia yang mempunyai makna)
-          Semantics hanya mempelajari makna abstrak, yaitu hanya makna yang melekat pada morfem, kata, frasa, kalimat tersebut. Semantics tidak mempedulikan situasi saat morfem, kata, frasa, atau kalimat tersebut digunakan.
-          Pragmatics tidak hanya mempelajari makna yang melekat pada morfem, kata, frasa atau kalimat yang digunakan. Tapi juga mempelajari konteks saat sebuah ujaran tersebut diujarkan. Pragmatics memperhatikan waktu, tempat, siapa yang mengujarkan, dan pada siapa ujaran itu ditujukan.
-          Objek kajian semantics hanya memiliki satu makna, yaitu makna yang melekat padanya yang sesuai dengan kamus.
-          Objek kajian pragmatics mempunyai makna yang beragam tergantung interpretasi setiap orang yang mendengar ujaran tersebut diujarkan.

(1)  Pragmatik adalah kajian mengenai hubungan antara tanda (lambang) dengan penafsirnya, sedangkan semantik adalah kajian mengenai hubungan antara tanda (lambang) dengan objek yang diacu oleh tanda tersebut.
(2)  Pragmatik adalah kajian mengenai penggunaan bahasa, sedangkan semantik adalah kajian mengenai makna.
(3)  Pragmatik adalah kajian bahasa dan perspektif fungsional, artinya kajian ini mencoba menjelaskan aspek-aspek struktur linguistik dengan mengacu ke pengaruh-pengaruh dan sebab-sebab nonlinguistik.
(4)  Pragmatik adalah kajian mengenai hubungan antara bahasa dengan konteks yang menjadi dasar dari penjelasan tentang pemahaman bahasa.
(5)  Pragmatik adalah kajian mengenai deiksis, implikatur, praanggapan, tindak tutur, dan aspek-aspek struktur wacana.
(6)  Pragmatik adalah kajian mengenai bagaimana bahasa dipakai untuk berkomunikasi, terutama hubungan antara kalimat dengan konteks dan situasi pemakaiannya.
            Dari beberapa definisi tersebut dapat dipahami bahwa cakupan kajian pragmatik sangat luas sehingga sering dianggap tumpang tindih dengan kajian wacana atau kajian sosiolinguistik. Yang jelas disepakati ialah bahwa satuan kajian pragmatik bukanlah kata atau kalimat, melainkan tindak tutur atau tindak ujaran (speech act)

Perbedaan kajian makna dalam semantik dengan pragmatik:
Perbedaan kajian makna dalam semantik dengan pragmatik:
1. Pragmatik mengkaji makna di luar jangkauan semantik.
Di sebuah ruang kelas, Dewi duduk di deretan kursi belakang. Lalu, ia berkata kepada gurunya, “Pak, maaf saya mau ke belakang.
Kata yang bergaris bawah itu ‘belakang’ secara semantik berarti lawan dari depan, berarti kalau dikaji secara semantik, Dewi hendak ke belakang. Akan tetapi, kalau kita lihat konteksnya, Dewi sudah duduk di deretan paling belakang. Tentu saja tidak mungkin makna ‘belakang’ yang diartikan secara semantik yang dimaksud Dewi. Nah, sekarang kita kaji dengan menggunakan pragmatik, di mana dalam pragmatik ini dilibatkan yang namanya “konteks”. Konteksnya apa? Konteksnya yaitu keadaan Dewi yang sudah duduk di belakang, sehingga tidak mungkin ia minta izin untuk ke belakang lagi (kita gunakan logika). Biasanya, orang minta izin ke belakang untuk keperluan sesuatu, seperti pergi ke toilet atau tempat lainnya. Nah, kalau yang ini masuk akal kan?
Jadi, makna kata ‘belakang’ dalam kalimat di atas tidak dapat dijelaskan secara semantik, hanya bisa dijelaskan secara pragmatik. Maka dari itulah dinyatakan bahwa kajian makna pragmatik berada di luar jangkauan semantik.
2. Sifat kajian dalam semantik adalah diadic relation (hubungan dua arah), hanya melibatkan bentuk dan makna. Sifat kajian dalam pragmatik adalah triadic relation (hubungan tiga arah), yaitu melibatkan bentuk, makna, dan konteks.
3. Semantik merupakan bidang yang bersifat bebas konteks (independent context), sedangkan pragmatik bersifat terikat dengan konteks (dependent context). Hal ini dapat dijelaskan pada contoh soal poin ke-1. Pada contoh tersebut, ketika makna kata ‘belakang’ dikaji secara semantik, ia tidak memperhatikan konteksnya bagaimana (independent context), ia hanya dikaji berdasarkan makna yang terdapat dalam kamus. Namun, ketika kata ‘belakang’ dikaji dengan pragmatik, konteks siapa yang berbicara, kepada siapa orang itu berbicara, bagaimana keadaan si pembicara, kapan, di mana, dan apa tujuannya ini sangat diperhatikan, sehingga maksud si pembicara dapat dimengerti oleh orang-orang di sekitarnya.
4. Salah satu objek kajian semantik adalah kalimat, sehingga semantik ini sering disebut makna kalimat. Dalam pragmatik, objek kajiannya adalah tuturan (utterance) atau maksud.
5. Semantik diatur oleh kaidah kebahasaan (tatabahasa), sedangkan pragmatik dikendalikan oleh prinsip komunikasi. Jadi, kajian makna dalam semantik lebih objektif daripada pragmatik, karena hanya memperhatikan makna tersebut sesuai dengan makna yang terdapat dalam leksemnya. Kajian makna pragmatik dapat dikatakan lebih subjektif, karena mengandung konteks/memperhatikan konteks. Dan setiap orang pasti mempunyai makna sendiri sesuai dengan konteks yang dipandangnya. Selain itu, pragmatik juga dimotivasi oleh tujuan komunikasi. Selain itu, pemaknaan semantik itu ketat, karena terpaku pada makna kata secara leksikal (tanpa konteks), sedangkan pemaknaan pragmatik lebih lentur karena tidak mutlak bermakna “itu”.
6. Semantik bersifat konvensional, sedangkan pragmatik bersifat non-konvensional. Dikatakan konvensional karena diatur oleh tatabahasa atau menggunakan kaidah-kaidah kebahasaan.
7. Semantik bersifat formal (dengan memfokuskan bentuk: fonem, morfem, kata, klausa, kalimat), sedangkan pragmatik bersifat fungsional.
8. Semantik bersifat ideasional, maksudnya yaitu makna yang ditangkap masih bersifat individu dan masih berupa ide, karena belum dipergunakan dalam berkomunikasi. Sedangkan pragmatik bersifat interpersonal, maksudnya yaitu makna yang dikaji dapat dipahami/ditafsirkan oleh orang banyak, tidak lagi bersifat individu, karena sudah menggunakan konteks.
9. Representasi (bentuk logika) semantik suatu kalimat berbeda dengan interpretasi pragmatiknya.
Contoh: “Kawan, habis makan-makan kita minum-minum yuk…”
• Dikaji dari semantik, kata “minum-minum” berarti melakukan kegiatan ‘minum air’ berulang-ulang, tidak cukup sekali minum.
• Dikaji dari segi pragmatik, kata “minum-minum” berarti meminum minuman keras (alkohol).

Rabu, 01 Februari 2012


Summer     :  early twenties, a student of a university, smart, cheerful, girly, too melodramatic
Tom           :  early twenties, a student of a university, insensible, lazy, romantic, kind
Autumn     :  early twenties, a student of a university, a lil bit too frankly, careless

                  The setting is the year of 2011 and 2012. The location is a park around a campus building. The campus building is quite big, three floors, around thirty rooms. Meanwhile, the park is located next to the parking lot, with some benches around it.

                  Summer, Tom, and Autumn are best friends. They go to the same university, they are even class mates. It’s been two years that Summer felt something special toward Tom. However, she doesn’t tell anyone. She keeps her on and off feeling for herself, at first at least. Then, she can’t stand to tell her best friend, Autumn. Autumn suggests Summer to tell her feeling to Tom. Then, Summer tries to express her feeling to Tom.  

(Windy Saturday afternoon becomes a difficult day for Tom that time. He comes to the campus just wearing shirt which often he wears with his ordinary Jeans. He never thinks that day will be one of his important days for his life. Then Summer comes with some serious words that makes Tom fell like freezing. He never thinks that summer will say that).
Summer     :    “If there’s a girl you know confessing her feeling towards you, what’ll you do?”
Tom           :    “Depends on who that girl is. If she’s hot, I won’t miss the chance. Hahaha.”
Summer     :    “What if the girl was me?”
Tom           :    “You’re not hot enough to be my girl. Hahaha. I’m kidding.”
Summer     :    “How if I’s seriously saying that?”
Tom           :    (Stop laughing.) “You.. You serious?”
Summer     :    “Yeaa.. It’s been a while though. I’m just not brave enough to tell.”
Tom           :    “I.. I don’t know what to say..” (Staring to Summer)
Summer     :     “How if I am the girl who confessing my feeling towards you, Tom?”
Tom           :     “Summer, I don’t know what you are talkin.. I think you are kidding, but you are serious. I just.. I just don’t know how come? You…“
Summer     :     “Slow, Tom”. (Cut Tom’s words)
                        “I don’t know how can I love you. But that’s my feeling”
Tom           :     “I think we are friends”
Summer     :     “Yes, we are”
                        “But, I can’t keep this feeling for a long times, I just want you to know what I feel towards you, Tom”
Tom           :     “So, what do you wish from me?”
Summer     :     “I don’t know”
Tom           :      “Aaaa…I’m speechless”
Summer     :     “Maybe… you still want to be my friend or be my… boyfriend?”
Tom           ;     “Summer, I…”
(Autumn comes suddenly)
Autumn     :     “Hey, Summer!”
                        “Here you are. I’m looking for you in canteen but you’re not there. What are you doing here? Teacher is in the class”
(Summer doesn’t answer, Autumn look into Tom)
Autumn     :     “Tom, you don’t wanna attend the class? Your absent is full, isn’t it?”
(Tom doesn’t answer. He still look at Summer. Then Summer walks to the class without saying anything and Autumn walks next to her with confused face).

(Autumn fells that something happens on that time. She doesn’t know that summer has been told Tom what she feels. When class is over Autumn ask to Summer)
Autumn        :    “What happen to you?”
Summer        :    “What?”
Autumn        :    “You look so different”
Summer        :    “Only your feeling”
Autumn        :    “No!. You’re quite today”
Summer        :    “I’m not!”
Autumn        :    “Yes, you are!”
Summer        :    “I’m okay Autumn!. Please..”
Autumn        :    “OK… whatever”
Summer        :    “ I just…”
                          “I’m hungry, let’s get some foods”
Autumn        :    “Mmm…I’m not hungry, actually, but OK… let’s go”

(In the restaurant, Summer still thinking about Tom but she doesn’t want to tell anyone about what happen between her and Tom firstly, but she can’t keep it by herself, than she shares it to Autumn).
Autumn        :    “it’s a good fried rice, huh?”
Summer        :    “No”
Autumn        :    “whoa!? Did you say no? I think we have the same appetite, but it’s not”
Summer        :    “Not really, I don’t know, maybe all of foods will not taste good for me now”
Autumn        :    Yes, I know, because this food really tasty, but you said no”
Summer        :    “Yeeah..” (Looking at her fried rice and play with the spoon in the plate)
Autumn        :    “So, you still don’t wanna tell me?”
Summer        :    “About what?”
Autumn        :    “I don’t know.. 
                          (Summer stop playing her spoon and look to Autumn)
Summer        :    “I’ve told him”
Autumn        :    “Tom?”
Summer        :    “Yea..”
Autumn        :    “Are you?”
Summer        :    “Yes”
Autumn        :    “What he said?”
Summer        :    “He didn’t believe it”
Autumn        :    “Did he answer your love?”
Summer        :    “He didn’t answer it”
Autumn        :    “So, he didn’t believe it and didn’t answer too? Or he refused you? I don’t understand Summer, please tell me!”
Summer        :    “I don’t know he want to answer or not”
Autumn        :    “So?”
Summer        :    “You came when he want to say something”
Autumn        :    “O..oo I’m so sorry Summer, I don’t know… if I know that I will not…”
Summer        :    “It’s OK, Autumn. Let’s go home. I’m sleepy”
Autumn        :    “Are you mad with me?”
Summer        :    “No… maybe it was not the right time”
Autumn        :    “Ya… But don’t be sad, please.. I’m feeling guilty with you”
Summer        :    “You’re not Autumn. Let’s go home”

(It’s been several days since Summer talked to Tom about her feeling. Every day, they meet in campus without saying anything. Every night Summer can’t sleep and so does Tom. He confused with his heart. He still keeps his heart in his ex girl friend. He can’t move till that time. However he can’t wish with his ex girlfriend, because she already has a boyfriend. In the other hand, Summer still wait for Tom’s answer, but Tom keep silent. Then, Summer sends a message to Tom to meet her in a cafe at the evening of Sunday. Tom receives the message and come to the cafe).
Tom              :  “Hey Summer”
Summer        :  “Hey Tom, I thought you’re not coming, you don’t reply my message”
Tom              :  “Sorry, I was sleeping when you text me, I forgot to reply when I woke. Hahaha..”
Summer        :  “Uh, so typically you, lazy”
Tom              : “But you love rite?”
Summer        :  “Damn..”
Tom              :  “So… you miss me?”
Summer        :  “Hahaha… No.”
Tom              :  “Then? Why you want me here?”
Summer        :   “I just want to know… What do you feel when I say that?”
Tom              :  “Say what?”
Summer        :   “Oh God, please… you forget with that? Or you want me to say again?”
Tom              :  “Hahaha.. relax Summer.. don’t be mad”
Summer        :  “I’m not”
Tom              :   “I don’t know”
Summer        :  “You don’t know what?”
Tom              :  “Maybe.. I … I don’t know how to tell you”
Summer        :  “Jus’ say it. I will be OK with your answer”
Tom              :  “I like you, Summer… as friend” (Looking to Summer with serious face)
                        “Is that all rite?”
Summer        : “Hahaha.. it’s okay Tom, don’t look me like that”
“Yeaa… I hope we could be more than just a friend, but if you think friend is better, I can understand Tom.. And.. You know what I feeling know?”
Tom              :  “Ha?”
Summer        :  “I feel relieved when I told you”
Tom              :  (Smiling) “You okay?”
Summer        : “Yeaa, I never feel as good as this time before. I feel that… Umm.. I feel better when I have told you about that. You’re still my friend”
Tom              :  “Best friend”

(After that day, Summer looks well from the outside but actually she feels sad. She just covers it from anyone. In the other hand, Tom feels something left from his life, since that day. He doesn’t understand what that is, but he begins looking Summer in the different way, not just as a friend again. Summer is a nice girl. She always helps Tom in his lecture. She’s very kind and care with Tom. It makes Tom thinks that Summer make a good change for his life. Summer makes his life better and perfect. He thinks about Summer every night. Firstly, he doesn’t know what he feels towards Summer. Until one day Tom realizes that what he fells recently is a love. He wants to make Summer happy).
Tiiingg Toonng… ( Summer opens the door)
Summer        :    “Hey, Tom?.. come in”
(Tom enters the home without saying anything)
Summer        :    “Eee… Do you want something to drink?”
Tom              :    “No”
Summer        :    “Okay..”
Tom              :    “I want to say something with you”
Summer        :    “What is that?”
Tom              :    “Aaaa… I don’t know what to say… Maybe it will be help me to say”
                          (Giving Summer a bunch of flowers)
Summer        :    “Is it for me?”
Tom              :    “For the girl who always in my mind”
Summer        :    “Me? In your mind? Hey… what is this? I don’t know”
Tom              :    “For you, Summer. You’re the girl who always in my mind.. who always make me smile…”
Summer        :    “Ha? Me? Are you kidding me? That time you said we are friends? Don’t you remember?”
Tom              :    “I’m just not sure with my feeling that time and now, I wanna make you happy”
Summer        :    “Ha?”
Tom              :    “You wanna be my girl, Summer?”


inspired by Katy Perry - The One That Got Away